Une étude franco-belge prouve l’intérêt d’une communication de type hypnotique basée sur la distraction lors de la réalisation de gestes douloureux. Résultat, moins de douleur, d’anxiété et plus de confort pour le malade.
Voici les formations que IMELyon vous propose: 28-29 Septembre: Hypnose et tabacologie - Jean-Luc ROQUET (Hypnothérapeute - tabacologue)...
1 Comment
Unknown member
Jul 03, 2024
One major problem that affects patient outcomes and overall healthcare efficiency is the lack of clarity in the treatment given. It can be quite difficult for people to grasp medical advice and navigate through different treatment programs. To guarantee appropriate treatment, it is critical to establish dependable support networks and open lines of communication. As someone who manages a lot of obligations, there are moments when I wish I could do my online exam for me to relieve some of the burden.
One major problem that affects patient outcomes and overall healthcare efficiency is the lack of clarity in the treatment given. It can be quite difficult for people to grasp medical advice and navigate through different treatment programs. To guarantee appropriate treatment, it is critical to establish dependable support networks and open lines of communication. As someone who manages a lot of obligations, there are moments when I wish I could do my online exam for me to relieve some of the burden.